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"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

Eleni Karaindrou

Eleni Karaindrou was born in the mountain village of Teichio in central Greece and grew up in Athens, where she studied piano and theory at the Hellenikon Odion. From 1969-74 she studied ethnomusicology in Paris and, on returning to Greece, founded the Laboratory for Traditional Instruments at the ORA Cultural Centre. She has since been an active campaigner on behalf of Greece's musical resources. Karaindrou has a long history of writing for film and theatre; to date, some 18 feature films, 13 plays and 10 television series have featured her music. Although most of her work has been with Greek directors, she has also collaborated with Chris Marker, Jules Dassin and Margarethe von Trotta. Eleni Karaindrou has been associated with Theodoros Angelopoulos since 1982.

Featured on

Dieterich Buxtehude
Opera Omnia XIV - Vocal Works 5
Ton Koopman / Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir